Dr. Swatantra Jain, a renowned visionary and President of Great Chyren Welfare Council envisions:
A World of Humanity
A World without Hunger
A Medicine-Free World
Environmental Protection
With an advanced approach to form a World Of Humanity, Dr. Jain emphasizes a better, happy and progressive society full of human values with spiritual enlightenment in the whole world.
Dr. Jain specifically mentions that all human beings are essentially the same, and that we are all capable of achieving enlightenment and experiencing eternal pleasure. He argues that we can do this by understanding our own true nature and by accepting our own divinity.
Dr. Swatantra Jain compares our soul to an atom, which is a tiny particle that is always present in the universe, even though it may change form from one compound to another. The teaching suggests that we are all eternal souls, just as atoms are eternal particles. We may change our bodies from one lifetime to another, but our souls are always present.
The teaching also emphasizes the power of the soul. Just as an atom possesses great power, so too do we possess infinite powers. We all have the potential to be powerful and enlightened beings, but that you need to first accept this fact about yourselves and then you will be able to enjoy your immortality with endless powers and pleasures.
Dr. Jain argues that, just as an atom is eternal and can only change its form, so too is the soul eternal and can only change its body. He also states that all people are equal and that we should all strive to help each other in order to achieve our own spiritual upliftment.
It is very true that Dr. Jain’s comparison of the soul to an atom is a helpful way to understand the concept of the soul’s eternal nature. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, and they are constantly changing their form. However, they never truly disappear. They simply change into different forms.
In the same way, the soul is the basic building block of our being, and it never truly dies. It simply changes into different body forms.
Dr. Jain further explains that, when we help others, we are actually helping ourselves. This is because, by helping others, we are eliminating the possibility of ourselves experiencing the same sufferings in the future. Thus the whole world is our family. We should all treat each other with love and compassion.
GCWC also feel that the statement of Dr. Jain is a powerful reminder of the eternal nature of the soul and the importance of helping others. It is a message that can resonate with people of all faiths and backgrounds.
Dr. Jain’s emphasis on the equality of all people is a powerful message of hope. It reminds us that we are all connected, and that we all have the potential to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
Dr. Jain also calls to action to help others is a reminder of our responsibility to each other. When we help others, we are not only helping them, but we are also helping ourselves eliminating our chances of being affected by life style diseases, mental peace , prosperity and enlightenment.
Dr. Jain’s mission is a reminder of the power of the human spirit and the potential for enlightenment that we all possess. It is a call to action, urging us to live our lives to the fullest and to help others in need.
Dr. Jain discovers the potential of each individual to achieve enlightenment and become a “Self-Supreme Emperor.” He is comparing this to the democratic principle that every citizen has the right to become president. In the same way, each individual has the potential to become enlightened and achieve the highest level of spiritual realization.
Thus you are the ALMIGHTY EMPEROR or GOD in every respect in past, at present and will always be supreme power for endless period.
Here are some of the key points of the teaching of Dr. Jain:
The soul is eternal and possesses great powers.
All Humans are essentially divine beings and have the potential to become SELF SUPREME EMPERORs.
All human beings are essentially the same and capable of achieving enlightenment.
We can achieve enlightenment by understanding our own true nature and accepting our own divinity.
We should strive to help others, as this is the best way to help ourselves in achieving enlightenment with endless pleasure and prosperity.
Thus the teaching of Dr. Jain is a reminder that our true nature is divine and that we are all essentially Emperors. Dr. Jain is using the word “Emperor” to represent the highest level of spiritual realization. He is saying that we all have the potential to achieve this level of realization and to live our lives as enlightened beings.
Dr. Jain is also mentioning that you should not see yourselves as devotees or followers, but rather accept yourself as Emperors. This means that you should have a strong sense of your own power and potential, and that you should not be afraid to take charge of your own lives as you are also eternal and everlasting possessing unlimited potentials. Therefore always breath in and feel the power of Emperor instead of a devotee/follower/disciple as you have a strong sense of self-empowerment.
Thus Dr. Jain explains the importance of self-confidence and self-empowerment. It is the idea that we should not see ourselves as inferior to others, but rather as equal to all beings.
The teachings of Dr. Jain conclude by urging us to help others, as this is a way of helping ourselves. When we help others, we are actually eliminating our own suffering in future lifetimes. This teaching is a reminder of the power and potential of the soul. It argues that by helping others, we are actually eliminating our own suffering in the future. It can be a source of inspiration and motivation, helping us to live our lives to the fullest.
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