According to the Mother Nature Vasundhara, every human being, every creature is a part of her family.
Thus the whole world is the family of Nature Mother Vasundhara.
Therefore all the sons and daughters of Nature Mother Vasundhara are adopted by Great Chyren Dr. Jain. He spreads peace, pleasure and prosperity amongst all family members of Nature Mother Vasundhara.
Our Welfare Council protects our environment and give everybody an opportunity of advancement in his sickness free peaceful life.
Great Chyren Welfare Council believes that the primary religion of every human being is Humanity.
Therefore primary governance systems of all countries of the world should be same and one i.e. to make every human being equal in every respect and have all the essential facilities to live with peace, pleasure, prosperity and development in a disease free atmosphere.
All government bodies must work for the people and have faith amongst all people of the world and follow the principles of Global Brotherhood and work for public welfare, public interest, world peace, happiness and to help, support and assist people in every respect. This will make every HUMAN to be free from pain and sufferings and avoid their chances of becoming a terrorist.
Basic need of all humans are food, water, shelter, energy, medicine, education, cloths etc. and is the primary responsibility of government.
GREAT CHYREN WELFARE COUNCIL will work for World Of Humanity and will find ways to provide food, shelter, toxin free healthy environment, employment, help, support and assistance according to his ability.

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