As you know these days, many superfood advertisements are being shown in large numbers on social media and websites.
Just one scoop of these multivitamin and mineral powder mixed with water or a shake; their marketing typically says, and you can get all of the vitamins and minerals you need for the day, as well as added health benefits like a stronger immune system, less stress, better digestion and more energy; your full day’s nutritional deficiency will be fulfilled.
But health experts aren’t convinced and have termed these claims as misleading since these products just entice people but overall improvement of health will require more than a scoop in terms of nutritional content.
It has clearly brought out in some of the researches that one spoon of superfood powder is not giving you proper nutrition. Moreover, due to excessive amount of vitamins and minerals artificially added in it, your kidney may also get damaged.
These superfoods usually contain vitamins E and C (antioxidants), biotin (helps metabolism – vitamin B7) and vitamin B12 (improves blood and nerve cells), minerals and plant protein.
But most superfood powders contain vitamins and minerals well above the recommended daily intake. For example, AG-1 Green Powder available in the US has 550% more of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin E and 1100% more Biotin.
The body can handle most of the nutrients, but the kidneys can be hard to process some of them.
Excess of vitamins A, D and E is also harmful. There were no clinical trials regarding their effect till date. That is, all this is nothing but taking advantage of emotions.
For establishing a MEDICINE FREE WORLD, President of Great Chyren Welfare Council Dr. Swatantra Jain made 16 Short Films of health Challenges on simple Natural Exercises under the mission
“Reconnect With Nature”
All these 16 Health Challenges are available on you tube and can be viewed by searching Dr. Swatantra Jain English on it.
These challenges will help and guide people to be free from all types of Life Style Diseases and enjoy good health always.
Great Chyren Dr.Swatantra Jain appeals all and everybody that if you want to avoid sickness, tension, stress, frustration, despair from your life and want a peaceful pleasant life, kindly accept any 3 out of 16 Natural Challenges as given by him.
Great Chyren Welfare Council requests all the Charitable Organizations, Sponsors, Promoters to join hands for this Global Health Care Mission.
Through Dr.Swatantra Jain’s Great Chyren Welfare Council, we will also provide medicines, treatment and other help to all mankind.

If you want a substitute of SUPERFOOD POWDERS, you may use 4 grain powder as recommended by Dr. Jain, bake it a little and mix little sugar, rock salt to it.
Use 2 spoons of this four grain powder in water or fruit syrup. You may use this powder in preparation of bread and other food items.
Dr Jain’s unparalleled secrets about grains are unveiled in this 4 Grain Meal. Grains are an essential part of a healthy diet, but when mixed in an adequate amount with the right set of grains it not only increases immunity but becomes a divine diet of energy full of all the minerals, proteins, nutrients and vitamins.
In addition to this, we may use Solar power in our body as suggested in Dr. Jain’s Video challenges namely Sun Gazing and Sun Water. This will also help to reduce food intake as we absorb sun power directly.
Great Chyren Welfare Council wishes a very bright and healthy medicine free atmosphere in the world ahead.
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