As an atom is always present in the Nature [Universe] and only changes its form from one compound to other compound; similarly you are also eternal, always found and simply changes your body form from one type to other.
Further as an atom is independent one with huge amount of energy likewise your enlightened GOD is also independent one with infinite energy.
Thus the one & foremost universal fact is that as an atom, you are everlasting & cannot die at all & thus you are the master of infinite virtues.
You may observe that your present birth’s religion is good but it is of your this birth and is likely to change in your subsequent births. Therefore it cannot be your all time religion.
Therefore a religion should not change every now and then. A real religion should always be the same for all kinds of people, may be male, female, old, young, children or to the common genders and even to all the creatures.
Hence EVERY ONE should try to find his UWN everlasting eternal religion.
Since every citizen has the right to become President in a democratic country; similarly Jainism illustrates that every human being has the right to become SELF CONSCIOUS GOD of the Universe.
The empire of pleasure can be established in this world by understanding SELF-GODSHIP.
All creatures, all human beings are alike in all respect because all are SUPREME ENLIGHTENED GODS. You can also drink nectar juice of everlasting power & pleasure by adopting your ENLIGHTENED GOD.
If you try to achieve your ENLIGHTENED GOD, then like other GODS, you will also become same powerful and will enjoy the ultimate pleasure and will deliver it to others.
Jainism is nothing but the nature of Your Own-Self, which cannot be destroyed even after a lapse of several million-million years.
THE WORLD OF HUMANITY is always the same in present time, after 10 years, after 100 years or even after a million years also.
THE WORLD OF HUMANITY means all time Light of Happiness everywhere; in all corners of the world, in all areas of the Universe.
The motto of THE WORLD OF HUMANITY is to give unlimited peace, pleasure and prosperity.
THE WORLD OF HUMANITY is always the same for all human beings having different caste, color, or creed, rich, poor, upper, lower ones etc. and makes them God from a devotee.
THE WORLD OF HUMANITY gives the real way to make other human beings happy for all times eternally.
Jainism gives a definite and positive solution to every problem the world is facing and also tries to help the mankind.
THE WORLD OF HUMANITY spreads the light of Happiness, hope of eternity in the entire world.
THE WORLD OF HUMANITY proves the Equality of every human being logically.
Thus THE WORLD OF HUMANITY makes you the ALMIGHTY GOD in every respect in the present birth itself. Therefore be ENLIGHTENED GOD instead of devotee/follower/disciple.
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