Every human has all his fundamental human rights as the earth is his Mother Nature’s kingdom. Therefore all humans should get all necessary requirements for their living in a healthy and pleasant environment with nutritive food, a good shelter to live, education, sufficient earnings as well as a decent surrounding.
Great Chyren Welfare Council believe that every human is the best creation of God or Nature and Nature has provided this beautiful World to fulfill all his essentials for a happy, healthy and cheerful life with a pleasant environment.
Great Chyren Dr. Swatantra Jain specifically mentions that every human is a prince of Nature and has all the legitimate rights to get his share of all nature’s property and resources of the Earth.
Our Mother Nature has written a legacy of her nature’s property assessment for each and every child, which is was estimated to be worth 38,000 trillion dollars, out of which 5,000 trillion dollars were destroyed by our Industrialists, Multi National Companies, Government Agencies and Moneylenders. Now only 33,000 trillion dollars is left from the heritage given by our Mother Nature.
SAN DIEGO, a GLOBE NEWSWIRE wrote on May 06, 2021 that the estimated value of Earth’s natural infrastructure such as the atmosphere, forests, wetlands, and oceans has fallen in value to $33000 trillion after factoring human kind’s $5000 trillion in damage.
Looking to the human population of 8 billion, the heritage given by Mother Nature to each and every son is around $4.1 million and he can use this wealth in his own way being prince of the mother earth.
Therefore GCWC will try to get the legitimate right of all poor royal members of their kingdom as the industrialists and other multi millionaires are consuming his allocated wealth of air, water, land and other natural resources. Now as per global natural justice, these industrialists and other multi millionaires must pay monthly rent for using the natural resources of other humans possessing a wealth of their legitimate right of $4.1 million and this amount shall be deposited in the account of these royal poor members.
Since time immemorial, human beings have made effort for living with fulfilment in continuity such as bliss, peace, satisfaction, happiness, fulfilment, salvation, contentment, enlightenment, liberation, independence, self-actualisation, ecstasy, divinity,
Universal human values provides well-tested foundational inputs which are universal, rational, verifiable, all-encompassing and leading to harmony, i.e., leading to wellbeing of all.
Thus, GCWC will work for the development of a holistic and humane world vision, universal human values of truth, love and compassion justice, liberty, equality and fraternity, Human rights, sustainable development and sustainable living as well as global well-being.
Human rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status…
Human rights are the rights that all humans have, simply because we took birth in the kingdom of mother nature and are not granted by any else. These universal rights are our fundamental rights and are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.
They range from the most fundamental – the right to life – to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty.
All human rights are indivisible and interdependent. This means that one set of rights cannot be enjoyed fully without the other.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Non-discrimination cuts across all international human rights law.
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Both rights and obligations
As individuals, while every human is entitled to his human rights, he should also respect and stand up for the human rights of others.
Universal Human Values is a systematic approach towards nature/existence and human conduct. Therefore, our welfare council will maintain human relatedness, undividedness, connectedness and coexistence, which can be at the base. Culture is the collective thought and civilization is its expression in the form of behavior. Over the ages, various cultures and civilisations have taken shape. At the core of the civilization is its culture; and the base of the culture is what has been understood or assumed (without understanding) about the existential reality i.e. truth, love and compassion.
Universal Human Values are the basic values which are fundamental to human nature and human existence. These values are universal in nature, applicable to all human beings, in all places and all times. eg. Love, compassion, kindness, integrity, justice.
Even death shall not extinguish them. Nothing travels endlessly with time and stays relevant from generation to generation, era upon era except fundamental human values.
These fundamental, basic or foundational human values are inherent, intrinsic in human being and can be seen as definite participation of human being in existence. It is the role of human being in this existence, in relation to oneself, in relation to the other human beings and in relation to the Mother Nature.
In other words, it is about human being living with clarity, happiness and responsibility; it is about human family living with happiness and prosperity; it is about human society living with trust, fearlessness and about living with co-existence in nature.
Thus the royal family Mother Nature’s Values are the roots of our Royal Family. If we do not tend the roots, the character that springs from it no matter how much wealth, power and fame surrounds it will bring little benefit to oneself, the lives of others and to the well being of the planet”.
Great Chyren Dr. Swatantra Jain is trying hard to build a better World of Human Families, stronger communities, successful people and a prosperous, happier and peaceful stable world for ourselves and our future generations.
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