Dr. Swatantra Jain, a renowned visionary, envisions:
- A World of Humanity
- A World without Hunger
- A Medicine-Free World
- Environmental Protection
The Great Chyren Welfare Council firmly believes that every human being is a magnificent creation of God or Nature.
Nature has bestowed upon us this beautiful world, providing us with all the essentials for a happy, healthy, and joyful life in a pleasant environment.
Each human being possesses fundamental human rights, as the Earth is our Mother Nature’s kingdom.
Therefore, every individual should have access to the necessary requirements for a healthy and harmonious life, including nutritious food, adequate shelter, education, sufficient income, and a decent living environment.
Dr. Swatantra Jain emphasizes that every human being is a prince or princess of Nature, entitled to their fair share of the Earth’s natural resources.
Our Mother Nature has allocated a legacy of her property to each and every one of her children, estimated to be worth 38,000 trillion dollars. Unfortunately, 5,000 trillion dollars have been destroyed by industrialists, multinational companies, government agencies, and moneylenders. Only 33,000 trillion dollars remain from the heritage bestowed by Mother Nature.